07/08/23 11am-5pm - Kabeadoscope Escape - Laura Andrews
Amazing and Adorable and ** SO FUN ** Kaleidoscope Pendant !!
Laura has designed this exquisite piece with Austrian Crystal Bicones, Delicas, and Seed Beads too! Kabeadoscope Escape to the bliss of mandalas in motion with this necklace that is also a functioning kaleidoscope. Our focus will be on beading a sturdy cylinder of beads to house the kaleidoscope components. You will learn how to create a functioning kaleidoscope & a very fast beaded rope technique with no step up! Kaleidoscope functioning parts included. Come join us to make this lovely piece that you can wear anytime and enjoy a colorful burst of nostalgia when you look thru it!
Skill Level: Intermediate
Stitches Used: RAW (Right Angle Weave), Peyote, Daisy Chain & Netting. Previous experience with RAW and Peyote required.
07/08 11am-5pm - Kabeadoscope Escape Pendant Kit -
Amazing and Adorable and ** SO FUN ** Kaleidoscope Pendant !! ...
07/07 11am-5pm - Kabeadoscope Escape Pendant Instruction - Laura Andrews
Amazing and Adorable and ** SO FUN ** Kaleidoscope Pendant !! ...